Well I finally did, "MAMA I MADE IT"!! On December 8, 2007 I will be graduating from Southeastern Louisiana University, with a Bachelor of Science degree. You all just don't know. I hav ebeen waiting for this day forever. I finally can be free! LOL. Yes, I think college is good, and who ever is given a opportunity should take it. Whoever, I am glad its over, I feel released from bondage. I am more of a free-spirited person. I am ready to start the new chapter in my life...NY here I come (again). I will be moving to NY to be a intern at Island Def Jam Music Group and I will be working on my MBA specializing in Marketing. All I can say is THANK YOU LORD!

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About Me

Phaon Spurlock is a native of Louisiana, Media & Marketing Professional, Owner of Prototype Solutions LLC, NUPE and last but not least a True Southern Gentleman! He lives in a world of polos, Nantucket Reds, Ribbon Belts and Bucks but also enjoys a good Sneaker, Tee and Fitted. The TRUE Southern Gentleman is able to mix and match different trends while still looking like a gentleman. Stick with me, I'll take you places. Welcome to my World! LETS GEAUX!

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