"@mackmaine: ATTN: Omarion is no longer YM…the song day leaked ft. Wayne is not official..good luck 2 him in his future endeavors…"
The End.
Source: RealtalkNY via @mackmaine (twitter)
-Phaon Spurlock
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4 Comments Leave A Comment:
This is my first time at your blog. I was actually googling who did the styling on the RUN THIS TOWN video and got your blog, weird. Anyway, I must be honest I dont follow other people's blogs because Im selfish, but I scrolled down your whole list of entries... Dope. I must say. I will return. Its a mix of all things I love, culture, music, events...similiar to my blog but from a dudes point of view.
In relation to this post. Did we expect otherwise? We have to make decisions that make sense, not ones that seem cool at the moment. Bow Wow, your ass is next. COUNTDOWN.....
Thanks! I really appreciate it! I'm going to go check out your blog. I will be actually changing the format and style up a little. I'm making a bigger blog.
Oh and June Ambrose styled RUN THIS TOWN
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