She by Sheree (Review and Photos).

She by Sheree
Redbull Space NYC
Sunday September 14, 2009

First I would like to start off and say it was not a runway show, it was more of a preview for the line.
Space: The space was dope. Appetizers and drinks were on deck. The DJ was spinning traditional fashion show type music "house music".

Collection: Ok, here's my thoughts, honestly the collection was better than what I expected, however it still needs a little help. I was pre-judging the collection from her previous collection, so if you compare the two its a big improvement in my eyes. Out of all the pieces I saw I only really liked three, including the dress she was wearing (hoping that it was her design). My favorites were the grey satin jumper, the blue and black leather dress and Sheree's all black dress. Ok, now here's the bad part....the construction of some of the garments were a miss..bunching up of fabric at the seams, threads hanging, etc. These are things that you MIST pay attention to when doing a show/preview. I feel that in a couple years or maybe next year it would be better. I see where she is going in some of her designs. I don't feel her direction is totally off. I would love to see everyone succeed at what they really want to do, so I would definitely like to see her grow into a known fashion designer.

At the end of the preview gift bags were passed out with "Who Gon Check Me Boo" on it. I thought that was nice of her to gives those away. The shirt lettering was done in a metallic foil.......thats

I look forward to seeing a progression!

-Phaon Spurlock

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Phaon Spurlock is a native of Louisiana, Media & Marketing Professional, Owner of Prototype Solutions LLC, NUPE and last but not least a True Southern Gentleman! He lives in a world of polos, Nantucket Reds, Ribbon Belts and Bucks but also enjoys a good Sneaker, Tee and Fitted. The TRUE Southern Gentleman is able to mix and match different trends while still looking like a gentleman. Stick with me, I'll take you places. Welcome to my World! LETS GEAUX!

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