My Splendid Sundays
This is a new segment that I will be introducing to LuxuriousPROTOTYPE under the section "My Life". All of my close friends know that on Sundays I'm usually at church and after church I'm out roaming the city in search of calmness and peace. Every Sunday after church I usually take strolls through parks, neighborhoods etc. These expeditions are truly relaxing for me. Most of the time I'm reflecting on the week past and how I can improve for the following week.
This Sunday October 11, 2009 I visited my good friend, Rae Holliday church, Greater Allen Cathedral. The service was amazing. The praise and worship was EVERYTHING!

After leaving church I headed out to Manhattan to attend a volleyball match that I promised one of my friends that I would attend by Union Square. About time I made it there after church the match was over. I wasn't going to let that ruin my day. I decided to walk to Washington Square on the Campus of NYU.

Another Great Sunday!!
-Phaon Spurlock, The Southern Gentleman
2 Comments Leave A Comment:
I was in all of those areas yesterday morning, and it wasn't planned at all. Small World.
Very Small World!
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