Curated by Awam Amkpa, Annalisa Butticci + Madala Hilaire (NYU Africana Studies) and Deb Willis-Creative Consultant
October 1, 2009 - January19, 2010
I had the great pleasure of being invited to the Opening Reception of the exhibit on October 1, 2009 at MoCADA Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts. Below is explanation of the exhibit.
"Their stories are numerous, some similar and others flavored by particular struggles in specific sites of discontent. Overall, their attitudes are of stubborn resilience, hope, and survival in environments desperate for their labor but resentful of their presence. With over 100 photographs and videos from Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Holland, Czech and Britain, the exhibition, organized by NYU's Africana Studies Department, follows some remarkably resilient immigrants on their uncertain sojourn on makeshift, intermittently powered fishing boats from West Africa, through the rigors of European immigration control, into the interstices of European society. These works of art are created by award winning photographers, photo-journalists, and human rights activists all over Europe including Juan Medina (Spain), Alfredo Muňoz de Oliveira (Portugal), Francesco Cocco, Angelo Aprile, Elisa Cozzarini, Marco Ambrosi, Matteo Danesin, Aldo Sodoma and Stefano Renna (Italy). Also included are selected photos courtesy of agency Fotogramma (Milan) and AGNfoto (Naples).

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