Persona Magazine Launch Party with Amber Rose hosted by Russell S.

Amber Rose photo taken by Chad Hill

Persona Magazine Launch Party with Amber Rose hosted by Russell Simmons
September 11, 2009
Griffin NYC

There was bottles of Absolut on every table with FIZZ drinks and of course cranberry and orange juice.

Uncle Russell was in the building

@SowmyaK was in the building

Hey Brianna (B. Marie Style)

Rae Holliday and Gabriel Williams (Stuff Fly People Like)

-Phaon Spurlock

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Phaon Spurlock is a native of Louisiana, Media & Marketing Professional, Owner of Prototype Solutions LLC, NUPE and last but not least a True Southern Gentleman! He lives in a world of polos, Nantucket Reds, Ribbon Belts and Bucks but also enjoys a good Sneaker, Tee and Fitted. The TRUE Southern Gentleman is able to mix and match different trends while still looking like a gentleman. Stick with me, I'll take you places. Welcome to my World! LETS GEAUX!

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