Launch Party for The Black Boy Collection

(Sorry for the bad quality, it was taken on a cell phone)

The Clothing Launch Party for The Black Boy Collection was at TASTE Clothing Boutique in Atlantic Station in Atlanta, GA on March 3, 2008. As some of you may know TASTE is owned by Bow Wows mother Mrs. Teresa Caldwell which was a host as well as Baron Davis of the Golden State Warriors. This invite only event was a paps filled event. It was catered with wonderful food as well as a open. The space was filled with very attractive people. The clothing line was very nice and stylish. While at the event they were filming for "The Housewives of Atlanta", which be on Bravo, coming soon. Cameras were everywhere, I even received camera time. All in all it was a great event. Teresa was a wonderful hostess, I look forward to attending more of her events.

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Phaon Spurlock is a native of Louisiana, Media & Marketing Professional, Owner of Prototype Solutions LLC, NUPE and last but not least a True Southern Gentleman! He lives in a world of polos, Nantucket Reds, Ribbon Belts and Bucks but also enjoys a good Sneaker, Tee and Fitted. The TRUE Southern Gentleman is able to mix and match different trends while still looking like a gentleman. Stick with me, I'll take you places. Welcome to my World! LETS GEAUX!

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