Ms. Genevieve Jones

Ms. Jones is a fashion consultant/socialite/mystery woman/southern girl rapped up into one young, hot and happening African American woman. So you may ask who is Ms. Jones. Ms. Jones is a NY Socialite that made a name for herself by just simply being her. She was born and raised in my hometown of Baton Rouge, LA. You can see her at all the the most popular exclusive events in NY, such as Fashion Week & Afterparties, Clothing Launch Parties, Elite Parties, Galas, Charity Events, Fundraisers you name it and she is there. She was also was featured on, a full spread. The reason why I am so intrigued with her is because: 1. She is from my hometown 2. I lived in NY City 3.She made a good name for herself in NY City 4. She is African American 4. She is stylish 5. A black socialite. With all this being said she has dealt with alot of backlash for being a African American socialite in New York City a place of hundreds of Caucasian socialites. But through it all she has stood the test and still kicking. I compared my good friend Natasha to her. Natasga has great fashion sense and she is a great person. Faboulosity is her life! I really seeing her make an impact of our society through her love of fashion

2 Comments Leave A Comment:

Diamond Rae on April 11, 2008 at 11:27 AM said...

Googled (strange how that's a verb) her after reading this,... one article reffered to her as the "black Paris Hilton",... is that a compliment?

interesting none the less

Anonymous said...

Tight page man i really enjoyed reading it, very interesting.

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About Me

Phaon Spurlock is a native of Louisiana, Media & Marketing Professional, Owner of Prototype Solutions LLC, NUPE and last but not least a True Southern Gentleman! He lives in a world of polos, Nantucket Reds, Ribbon Belts and Bucks but also enjoys a good Sneaker, Tee and Fitted. The TRUE Southern Gentleman is able to mix and match different trends while still looking like a gentleman. Stick with me, I'll take you places. Welcome to my World! LETS GEAUX!

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